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King of Piano » Sign up

Easy to get started

To become a member at kingofpiano.com is easy. All you have to do is to make up a username, a password and enter your e-mail address. As member you get full access to the Forum, demo-version of kingofpiano as well as the demo video lesson.

When you become a Premium member you get full access to King of Piano. In addition to what you already have you also get access to all the video lessons, Rhapsody Challenge, Rhapsody Tube, generous offers and challenges.

Member but forgot your password? Reset your password here instead of registering as a new member.

Step 1: User information

Cannot be changed later
Will not be shown
Repeat your password.

Step 2: Optional information

Not shown by default
Not shown by default
Not shown by default.
Not shown by default
Not shown by default.

Personal data will not be transferred to third party, they are treated only by School of Rhapsody/GNG to create as good of a music school as possible. They may also be used to contact you if needed. Within filling in the personal data you have given your approval to this. We will treat your data in accordance with the Swedish law of personal data protection, Personuppgiftslagen (PUL).

Step 3: End user Agreement and approval

Before becoming a member you have to read and approve our End user Agreement.